We have chosen to stop selling merchandise as a band/ministry – mainly because we are no longer a live band and digital downloads are available for free. There are also various places that we have allowed to sell our merchandise and you will find them if you look for them.
We encourage you to visit our LYRICS PAGE and explore the library of songs that we have written and performed since 1988. Use each song is also a Bible study for your own growth as a follower of Jesus Christ and the intimacy He desires to have with you. Look up the verses that accompany each line of our songs. That is why we wrote the songs in the first place – to get you into the Bible and deepen your relationship with God.
If you have been encouraged by our music over the years, consider sending a donation to: LightShine Ministries P.O. Box 777 Mount Joy, PA 17552 which helps cover the costs of operating this website. If you have any concerns, questions or observations, please email us at: lightshine777@comcast.net. Thank you so much!