
June 1988
Lyrics  by T. Denlinger
Music by C. Turner, R. Feltman, M. Anthony, T. Denlinger

This song reflects the lie that the non-Christian rock musician lives who defiantly preaches hedonism at the expense of his/her audience.  We see the crowd looking up to us, and we realize our responsibility to them. Every musician is responsible to their audience.  If a musician ever sets his goal on making money at the expense of his audience, he will answer to God.  Jesus said in Luke 17:1-2, “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come.  It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.” I’d say that’s pretty easily interpreted. Wouldn’t you agree?!

Verse 1

The multitudes are watching (Matthew 13:14-15)
They see but cannot see
I hear laughter in the crowd
I see them staring at me
My words will give them pleasure   (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
The drug that calms their fears
But only for an instant
He helps me tickle their ears


He’s a liar (John 8:44)
And the young fall prey (John 10:10a)
He’s a liar
They will soon hate the day (2 Corinthians 5:10)
When they see themselves
Under piercing pure light   (Acts 26:18)
He has blinded their eyes   (2 Corinthians 4:4)
When wrong seems too right  (John 3:19-20)

Verse 2

They cheer when I appear    (Daniel 3:7,12)
They cry when I walk the stage
They buy my cool philosophies   (1 Timothy 4:1)
The crowd shouts forth with rage
When white rock sings so pure   (2 Peter 2:20-22)
The contrast is too great
Returning, they dance and chant to me
Again they take the bait
I thought I knew what I did up there
Isn’t satan just a word?
My fans are pulling triggers now
My vision’s getting blurred
But still they keep on coming
The craze is too intense
I’m caught in a trap of fame and wealth (1 Timothy 6:9)
They want me on the fence.


Tom Denlinger: lead and backing vocals

Rod Feltman: lead and rhythm electric guitars, acoustic guitars and backing vocals

Chuck Turner: bass guitar and backing vocals in “Royal Honor” and “Puppet of Beauty”

Michael Anthony: drums and backing vocals in “Royal Honor”

Special thanks to our guest artist: Jeff King – keyboards and narrative in “Corridor to Light”.

Majestic Serenity was recorded and mixed 3/4/92 – 4/12/92 at Susquehanna Sound Studios, Northumberland, PA. Special thanks to Ray Fletcher and Bob “cellophane on the toilet” Spangler.

Produced by SARDONYX. Engineer: Mike “what do YOU think?” Knight. Mixed by Mike Knight and SARDONYX. Art Direction, Design and Cover Art: Tom Denlinger; Band Photography: Cince Simione and Michael Anthony; Cover photography: Reynold and Mike Schenke; Concept and Development: Tom Denlinger; Scripture preparation and research: Mark Van Gorder, Jeff Zimmerman, Tom Denlinger and Chuck Turner.

Tom Denlinger would like to thank:

My wife Ruth (Guys, make sure you pray every day for a wife that will love and support you and your ministry. God answered my prayers.) Thank you, Ruth, for your constant love and encouraging words. Thanks Mom and Dad Denlinger, Gwen and Whitney, Dean, Bryan and Penny, Nanny and Pop Pop Frey and Grandma Denlinger. Thanks for understanding not having me around too much. We have a long future together. I love you all. I have way too many thanks to print here. See volume 3, issue 2 of LightShine Magazine for full credits. Thanks!

Rod Feltman would like to thank: 

My beautiful wife, Anne, for all your love, encouragement and patience. My family: Dave, Arlene and Matt; Roy, Nancy and Alan; Alan and Naomi Varner; Angie for her support at shows; Jim Haubert for allowing me the time off when I need it; John Swartz, Mike Reeser and the rest of the crew; Jeff King, the best guitar tech a guy could have; Mike Knight for being my “ears” a few times.

Chuck Turner would like to thank:

Tim Swarthout, Tim “Taz” Bird, Dennis “Do you live in a vacuum?” Gee, REZ, Glenn Gregory, Kevin Fern, James Palmer, SSG. Thomas Leopard, Wes Humphries, my family back home “Hi Mom!” & most of all to my most awesome wife, Barb, and my two boys, Chuck III & Christian. I love you!

Michael Anthony would like to thank:

Jacintha, my wife, thanks for your support in all this band stuff, for feeding and putting up with all of us in the band. Thanks for your prayers and for helping to sustain me at those times when I was down. To Trinity, my little daughter, thank you for your prayers. God hears them and is pleased. To Gavin, my little son, I pray that God molds you into a great man of God. To my grandmothers, my brothers and sister, to my Mom and Phil, to my Dad and Ruth, thank you for seeing the value of this ministry (not some selfish rock and roll craze). I’m sorry for not being able to attend certain “get togethers” because of SARDONYX. It is not easy. Thanks to Margaret, my mother in law for caring for our kids on those late concert nights and weekends. To Bill Burns, my drum tech, you took a load off me. Your company on and off the road is appreciated.

Road Crew:

Tony “what are they thinkin’?” Guyer: stage manager, driver, gofer, bouncer and all around nice guy.

Jeff King: guitar tech, keyboards and special effects. Great job on the narrative in “Corridor to Light”.

Bill Burns: drum tech and resident informant on the latest in death metal.

Jody Shue: merchandise sales, photographer and all around big help in making things a little less hectic.

Mark Van Gorder: road representative for LightShine. Thanks for all the behind the scenes stuff!

SARDONYX is committed to sharing with you the great news that you can have new life in Jesus Christ. This is not religion. This is a personal relationship with Jesus. Living every day with Him. We hope that Majestic Serenity & Rebel of Reason has encouraged you to consider His plan for your life. We encourage you to find a Bible and look up the verses in each song as a Bible study. Pray to God simply by asking Him to teach you and He will reveal Himself to you. Obviously we would love to answer any questions.