Face to the Ground

Can you imagine the weight of responsibility for Solomon to follow in his father’s footsteps as he prepared to become king of Israel? In 1 Kings 3:3, Solomon loved the LORD and followed in the statutes of his father King David (unlike his other brothers) and God visited him in a dream at night and asked him what He should give Solomon (vs. 5). In verses 6 – 9, Solomon seeks the LORD for understanding, discernment and wisdom to lead the nation. The LORD was pleased (verses 10-14) and Solomon took the Kingdom to a whole new level of prosperity and influence. Jesus Christ Himself referred to the greatness of Solomon several times (Matthew 6:29 / 12:42 / Luke 11:31 / 12:27). The takeaway is clear. All of us have had older relatives accomplish great things. Never doubt that God has even greater things for you to accomplish. The key is humbling ourselves before the Most High God and asking Him for wisdom. That is when “their ceiling becomes our floor”. That is what I pray for my own children – that they would accomplish even greater things than I ever did. Blessings to you as you seek Him with all your heart. Yearn to experience His manifest Presence – His magnificent GLORY. In that place, He will give you revelation that will blow your mind and empower you to do whatever He tells you to. – Tom Denlinger


HOLY, HOLY (3X) You are HOLY

WORTHY, WORTHY (3X) to be praised

Give me Your judgments, LORD

I need Your righteousness

They shall fear You as long as the sun and moon endure. (Psalm 72:5)

My Father danced before You

Lifted hands, he adored You

His glorious kingdom – how can I sit in his seat of honor? (1 Kings 3:7)

I bow before You

Broken and yielded before You

I need Your wisdom to lead this people for Your GLORY

Your magnificent GLORY!

Come down FALL like rain upon the grass

Like showers with Your GLORY! 


Come down and fill Your House with Your GLORY

No one can stand for You are HOLY

Dwell in the dark cloud (Psalm 97:2 / 1 Kings 8:12)

Your thick clouds around You (Psalm 18:12)

Face to the ground, Your Presence filling (fills the room).